The HA60 Digital Heel Angle Gauge provides a digital display
of Heel Angle, Filtered/Damped Heel Angle, Maximum Port Heel Angle and Maximum Starboard Heel Angle.
A high angle alarm can be easily set by the user. When activated, the built-in 85 dB alarm will sound and the display will flash.
Five levels of backlighting can be selected and all set-up, alarm value, maximum port/starboard heel angles and other characteristics are saved in a non-volatile memory.
One of the screw terminals on the rear of the instrument can be programmed as a NMEA 0183 serial data output line or as an external alarm output.
With a press of the button you can display Instantanious Heel Angle, Filtered/Damped Heel Angle, Maximum Port Heel Angle or Maximum Starboard Heel Angle
A filter constant can be selected between a value of zero (no filtering) and 20 (heavy filtering) to slow the display response.
The HA60 draws only 0.018 amps and 5 levels of backlight (including OFF) can be selected from the front panel.
The HA60 outputs Heel Angle on the standard NMEA 0183 serial data line at 4800 BAUD.
This ASCII information can be used to log performance or repeat the display information at a remote location
on the CruzPro RP60, RP110 and MaxRp110 data repeaters (see www.cruzpro.com/rp60.html,
www.cruzpro.com/rp110.html and www.cruzpro.com/maxrp110.html).
If NMEA 0183 serial data
If NMEA 0183 data is not required, then the output terminal can be programmed as an external alarm output pin.
HA60 Connection Diagram
Connecting the CruzPro ER-1 External Relay module to the NMEA 0183/External Alarm Output
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