CruzPro Instruments

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Integrate all your instrumentation needs seamlessly with a choice of 100+ cosmetically matched depth, speed, electrical, tankage, and engine instruments as well as electronic accessories to choose from.

CruzPro Ltd.
207 Whau Valley Road
Whangarei 0112
New Zealand
Tel: 64-9-459-1922

March 1997 - Feb. 2025
28years of business.
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CruzPro Instruments CruzPro Instruments

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Instruments, digital gauges, alarms and monitors

We manufacture a wide range of intelligent instruments, digital gauges, alarms and monitors designed for use in the commercial/leisure marine, motor home/RV and emergency vehicle (fire truck and ambulance) markets. Our product lines include engine gauges, fuel/fuel consumption and tankage gauges, electrical gauges, gas detectors, depth, speed, wind sensors and digital instruments, PC based Fishfinders and electronic accessories such as chain counters, NMEA combiners, digital clocks, bilge alarms, etc.

These intelligent gauges either contain built-in calibration curves for all popular standard resistive senders - both European and American styles, or learn the sender characteristics and compensate for odd tank shapes. Custom 0-5V, 4-20mA and high voltage versions are also available by special order. Most CruzPro gauges work on both 12V and 24V, have built-in user settable high and low alarms and output NMEA 0183 serial data to aid remote monitoring or logging of performance data.

To insure a reliable long life in the harsh marine environment our products are constructed using UV stable AES plastic, stainless steel hardware, solvent resistant silicon rubber gaskets and O-rings, Lexan brand polycarbonate and 3M adhesives.

Most CruzPro gauges are CE certified and RoHS compliant (environmentally friendly and lead free). All products enjoy a full twelve (12) month parts and workmanship warranty. We ship worldwide to areas not served by a local dealer and OEM inquiries for branded products are welcomed.

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New HA60
Digital Heel Angle Display.
Heel Angle
Maximum Port Angle
Maximum Starboard Angle

Instant or Filtered Heel Angle
High Angle Alarm
NMEA 0183 or External Alarm Output

New WSD-110
Wind Speed/Direction Display.
Apparent Speed/Direction
True Wind Speed/Direction

Maximum Speed Memory
High Speed Alarm
Data logging for up to 40 days

Ultrasonic 3D Wind Speed
and Direction Sensor
No moving parts!

NMEA 0183 Output
RS422 Output
0.01 knot resolution

New WTP110
Precision Sea Water
Temperature Gauge
0.01 degree F/C resolution
Trend Arrows

Works with Dytek 30Kohm
and standard 10Kohm sensors.


New CS60
Quad Clocked Switch.
Turn four 4 amp circuits ON/OFF
under control of a digital clock.


Manual Control
Automatic Control
Periodic Switching

10 Function
Depth/Speed Log
Multifunction Gauge.

Built-in Alarms and
NMEA 0183 Output


New MaxRp110
User Configurable
NMEA 0183 Data
Repeater With
Windows Software

Click Here to download
working software.


GPS to Analog
Paddlewheel Signal

No speed transducer
required - no holes - no cleaning.


GPS to Analog Paddlewheel Signal
Converter with built-in GPS Receiver and Antenna.

No speed transducer, holes or cleaning
and also has GPS NMEA 0183 Output.


GPS NMEA 0183 antenna and Analog
Paddlewheel Signal Converter

9M (30 feet) of cable.

Last Site Update:
10 February 2025

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HA60 Digital Heel Angle Guage with NMEA 0183 or External Alarm Output

WSD110 Digital Wind Speed and Direction Display with NMEA 0183 input and NMEA 0183output.

UWSD10 Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Sensor with NMEA 0183 and RS422 output.

WTP110 Precision Sea Water Temperature Gauge, Dytek, digital, 0.01 degree resolution.

SOG1, GPS, NMEA, 0183, paddlewheel, transducer, converter

MaxRp110, NMEA, 0183, repeater, data, depth , speed, GPS

MaxVu110, multi function instrument, NMEA, 0183, depth , speed, engine monitor, electrical monitor, tankage

MaxDS110, multi function instrument, depth, speed, log, sea water temperature

ATB120, ATU120, ATBR120, ATT120, active, depth, temperature, NMEA, 0183, transducers, smart, smartducer

T65, three zone,gauge,digital,temperature,gauge,multi-zone,3 area

AM60, rudder,gauge,angle,indicator,digital

WTP65, precision,gauge,temperature,digital,gauge,sea,water

D60, D110, PcFF20,pcff80, fish finder, fishfinder, sonar, pc, fish, finder, sonar pc, pc fishfinder, laptop, laptop fishfinder, pc sonar, echo sounder, DSP, digital, signal, processing

digital signal processing, DSP, dsp, depth, depth sounder, sounder, sounder pc, pc sounder

SLT60, SLT110 digital, speed, log, water, temperature, knotlog, gauge, water, temperature, race, timer, elapsed, time

RP60, RP110 digital, NMEA, 0183, remote, data, repeater, channel,NEMA

VAH60, VAH65, VAH110, volt, amp, a-h, amp-hour, a/h, amp/hr, battery, battery monitor, energy monitor, DC monitor, gauge, capacity, Peukert, battery capacity, marine, instrument, electronic, alarm, boat, cruzpro, cruisepro, CruzPro, display

VAF60, VAF110, ac, AC, volts, amps, frequency, Hz, hz, HZ, kW, kw, KW, monitor, gauge, AC monitor

CH55, CH60 chain, counter, chain counter, windlass, winch, anchor, meter,chain meter,cable meter,wire, wire counter,gauge, cable,cable counter

SAR20 smart, alternator, regulator, controller, charger, bulk, absorption, float, equalization

GD20, GD55, GD10 gas detector, gas, vapor, vapour, detector, monitor, solenoid, LEL, marine gas detector, LPG, gasoline, petrol, compressed natural gas detector, rv, fume, gasoline fume, fume detector, cng detector, propane detector, natural gas detector, propane alarm, gas leak detector

DI60 light, dimmer, motor, speed, controller, DC dimmer, dc dimmer, speed controller, light dimmer, 12V dimmer, 24V dimmer

NC20, NMEA, nmea, combiner, concentrator, expander, RS232, rs232, RS-232, rs-232, NMEA combiner, nmea combiner, NMEA concentrator, nmea concentrator, multiplexer,nmea multiplexer,NMEA expander, nmea expander

FU60,F60 digital, gauge, fuel, flow, fuel flow, consumption, fuel consumption, fuel meters, fuel monitoring, fuel consumption, gauge, floscan, flowscan,flow, gallon, liter, VDO, Teleflex, Faria, Stewart-Warner, petrol, gasoline, diesel,

fuel theft, fule gauge, fule, syphoning

TL60,TL55 liquid, fuel, tankage, water, level, monitor, gauge, gasoline, holding, black water, brown water

RH60, RH110 RPM, rpm, engine, hours, gauge, elapsed, time, max RPM, rpm alarm

T60 digital, gauge, water, temperature, engine, alarm, gauge, VDO, Teleflex, Faria, Stewart-Warner

OP60 oil, pressure, digital, oil pressure, gauge, engine, alarm, gauge, VDO, Teleflex, Faria, marine, instrument

A60 amp, ammeter, battery, battery monitor,shunt, digital, gauge, instrument

V55 volts, battery, volt, battery monitor, DC monitor, bank, gauge, alarm, marine, digital, gauge

V60 volts, battery, bank, alarm, battery monitor, DC monitor, gauge, 3 bank

CT60 clock, watch, race, timer, alarm, time of day, gauge, race timer, digital

BWA20, bilge, water, alarm, electronic, float, switch, boat, sink, sinking, high water

EFS20, alarm, bilge, water, pump, float, switch, marine, automatic

SA20, marine, security, alarm, burglar, security alarm, intruder, intruder alarm, intrusion, burglar alarm, boat alarm, keypad, key, code

PY60, ETM20 digital, gauge, exhaust, gas, temperature, engine, alarm, thermocouple

CC10, CC20, CC30, CC35, charge, controller, regulator, alarm, pwm, lvd, LVD, pulse width modulated, pwm, PWM, low voltage disconnect, solar, wind, generator, mains, amp, volt

HY60, hydraulic pressure gauge, 4-20mA, digital, NMEA 0183, data output

LA20,LA30 alarm, loud, spreader, flash, 105 db, external, multiple-input