The WSD-110 provides accurate digital instrumentation for wind speed, average wind speed, apparent wind speed, true wind speed and Velocity Made Good (VMG),
apparent wind direction, true wind direction and air temperature from several different NMEA 0183 data sentences.
If NMEA 0183 boat speed or GPS data is available, the WSD-110 will calculate true wind speed, true wind direction and VMG with respect to the boat or respect to the ground.
Apparent wind speed/direction, true wind speed/direction, boat speed and VMG data is logged to a non-volatile memory.
You can select 240 different logging periods between 2.5 seconds to 10 minutes per sample providing up to 40 days of data. Serial logging data is ouput in comma delimited CSV (Excel) format.
The WSD-110 displays Speed, Average Speed and Maximum Speed up to 99.9 Knots (115 M.P.H.) in tenths, wind direction in degrees and air temperature in degrees F or C.
Speed can be displayed in Knots, MPH, Km/H or M/S with selectable display damping. Temperature can be displayed in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Speed, direction and temperature may all be calibrated using the front panel keys.
In addition to the standard 0-360 degree scale you can view wind direction on an expanded +/- 90 degree scale.
Five levels of backlighting can be selected and remotely switched ON/OFF. All setup and calibration constants are saved to a nonvolatile memory.
The WSD-110 outputs NMEA 0183 data of wind speed, direction and air temperature and works on both 12 and 24 VDC systems.
The WSD-110 with its large display draws only .035 amps and only .055 amps with full backlighting.
This ASCII information can be used to log performance or repeat the display information at a remote location
on the matching CruzPro RP60, Rp110 and/or MaxRp110 data repeaters (see
, and
The UWSD-10 Ultrasonic Wind Speed/Direction sensor is 100% compatible with the WSD-110 wind display and has no moving parts (see